The Chin College

Empowering Students to Change the World for Christ

History of

The Chin College

The idea of establishing a college or seminary was initially brought up at the 5th meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Chin Baptist Churches USA, which took place on October 9, 2010 at the Chin Baptist Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

This meeting was held to discuss the possibility of establishing a college or seminary. According to the minutes of the meeting, the Board of Trustees of the Chin Baptist Churches USA resolved to build a "Chin Theological Seminary" in the city of Indianapolis, Indiana. 

Three years after the initial presentation of the vision, the subject was brought up once more at the 10th Board of Trustees meeting of the Chin Baptist Churches USA, which took place on March 7, 2013, at the Amarillo Chin Christian Church i n Amarillo, Texas. The meeting was held at Chin Baptist Churches USA. During this meeting, the Board of Trustees committed to finding a way to implement the objective of starting a Master of Divinity program in Indianapolis in partnership with the Central Baptist Theological Seminary of American Baptist Churches USA. This program would be offered in conjunction with the Central Baptist Theological Seminary of American Baptist Churches USA. The Board of Trustees reached a decision by a unanimous vote that al l of the necessary efforts should be made to put the vision into action. 

After a decade, the idea of founding a college or seminary continues to be considered. At the tenth meeting of the Chin Baptist Churches, USA Board of Directors, which took place on October 20 – 22, 2022, at the Mie Baptist Church in Lewisville, Texas, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to organize a research team consisting of 11 pastors from 11 different churches in order to make the vision a reality. This vote was taken in orde r to move forward with the organization of the research team. The Chin College Research Team came to an agreement in their first meeting on November 10, 2022, to carry out the vision by organizing a consultation to take place in Indianapolis, Indiana, on F ebruary 3, 2023. This decision was reached unanimously by the team